Recruitment Marketing

With Vibrant Brands

Meet your new recruitment marketing partner. We help humanize brands and spotlight teams, making it easier to attract qualified candidates who fit your company culture perfectly.

Digital Marketing ads from various campaigns displaying on mobile devices.

Attract Qualified Candidates with Effective Healthcare Recruitment Marketing

Today’s job market in healthcare is competitive—that’s why building a strong recruitment marketing campaign is a must.  At Vibrant Brands, we specialize in crafting authentic branding that highlights your company’s strengths and values, making it easier to draw in great applicants.

Our Services

The Brand Advocate Approach

Put your employees at the forefront of your recruitment efforts as advocates for your brand. Vibrant has helped countless companies in various industries amplify their company culture through video campaigns utilizing real staff members sharing their stories. 

For a recent $9 million state-wide direct support professional campaign, we worked with various provider agencies to interview real-life direct support professionals about the impact the role has on their lives. This “More Than Work” campaign utilized diverse voices to show the career path is more than just a paycheck and is a good fit no matter where you are on your career path.

Marketing landing pages displaying campaign graphics on an ipad.
Bus shelter advertising Billboard Advertisements.

Highly Targeted Campaigns

At Vibrant Brands, we understand the importance of reaching the right candidates through the right channels. Our campaigns are meticulously crafted to target specific demographics and professional backgrounds, ensuring your message resonates with the most qualified individuals.
By leveraging a variety of media—from engaging videos and social media content to strategic digital marketing—we maximize your reach and impact, connecting you with potential candidates across multiple platforms.

Want to learn more?

Check out our recruitment campaign case studies to see more of our featured work or contact us directly!