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Vibrant Deep Dive: Why Podcast Advertising Is Effective

Think about your favorite podcast. Now think about the ads you hear while listening. Do you remember who the advertisers were? Chances are, especially if you’re a regular listener, you know exactly who they advertise with. A podcast listener study found that 86% of individuals recalled ads they heard on podcasts, compared to 79% who saw them on websites and 80% who saw them on social media. On top of that, 48% said they even pay more attention to podcast ads than any other form of advertising.

Familiarity and Repetition in Advertising 

So, what makes advertising on podcasts so effective? The ads are coming from someone listeners already trust. Plus, podcasters often partner with specific advertisers and have the ads “baked into” their program – almost like it’s a part of the discussion. These ads typically reoccur on multiple episodes, so listeners are more likely to remember them. 

Podcast hosts tend to have a lot of influence over their listeners. This especially comes in handy when hosts boast about their favorite products sold by advertisers. While this is still a paid advertisement, it feels more like a customerreview or recommendation. 45% of podcast listeners surveyed said they believe hosts of their favorite podcasts actually use the products or services mentioned on their shows. 

Just like influencer marketing, brands should be strategic about which podcasts they choose to advertise with. We recommend first identifying the top interests of your customers and then finding podcasts that align with those values. From there, brands should pinpoint the objectives of their advertising campaign. Most of the time, advertisers will work with podcasts hosts on campaign goals and how they can integrate their own personal stories into your brand messaging. That personal touch will resonate with their listeners more and feel less like they’re being sold to.

If you’re new to the world of podcast advertising, no need to stress. The marketing experts at Vibrant Brands can help you build an effective campaign and identify podcast partners to work with. Call us today at (855) 946-2773 to learn more about elevating your brand with Vibrant.